Multiple CodeBuild Projects

In this example guide, we’ll create a couple of test CodeBuild projects and quickly connect them up to a pipeline.

CodeBuild Projects

We’ll use the the cody tool to quickly get going.

You can use any project, even an empty folder. You just have to make sure it is pushed to GitHub and has a buildspec.yml. If you need an example project, you can try this one: tongueroo/demo-ufo.

First, you can use cody init create some starter .cody files.

gem install cody # installs cody command
cody init # create starter .cody files including buildspec.yml
git add .
git commit -m 'add starter .cody files'
git push

Then create the 4 CodeBuild projects for testing:

for i in {1..4} ; do cody deploy demo$i --no-wait ; done


Let’s define a pipeline now with the 4 CodeBuild test projects. First, use pipe init to create the starter .pipedream files. Update your pipeline.rb with the following:


stage "Source" do
    source: "tongueroo/demo-ufo", # replace with your repo
    auth_token: ssm("/github/user/token")

stage "Build" do
  codebuild "demo1"
  codebuild "demo2", "demo3" # runs in parallel
  codebuild "demo4"

Deploy it with:

pipe deploy

Last, start the pipeline execution:

pipe start

That’s it! The pipeline will look like this:

Pro tip: Use the <- and -> arrow keys to move back and forward.

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